
Click Here to Have Your Say

Please could you take a few minutes to support our grant application to Your Fund Surrey?  Just click on the link above to like and comment on the Open Space project (you will need to provie an email).  Having community support is an important element of our application so it will make a big differrence for as any people as possible to comment and share among our local networks.  For more information about the project see here.


St Paul's is privileged to sit at the heart of the community in Egham Hythe, and is committed to serving the community here.  See the Food Kitchen page to sign up for a free fresh meal each Friday, and see below and the other drop down pages for more information about what's happening at St Paul's. 

Foodbank:   St Paul's and Vineyard Church are now a venue for Runnymede Foodbank. Go to our Foodbank page here for more information.


Monday Study Group:  Meets fortnightly from 7.30pm-9pm on Mondays in church. A chance to meet, think and talk about faith together. Our newssheet gives the next date which you can check here.  Ben Niblett facilitates the group and you can email him here if you have any queries or to let him know you’re planning to attend.  


Wednesday Group: Wednesdays once a month at 2pm in church.  All welcome.  See newssheet for dates. .More information about the pilgrim course can be found here.















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