Children are important to us here at St Paul's and we try to provide opportunities for their spiritual growth and nurture, helping parents and carers meet the often daunting challenge of sharing their faith and instilling their values in their children.
For the latest news about what's on go to our What's On page here.
10am Sunday Services: Children are welcome at all of our services. Do involve them in what's happening. There's an area with some resources at the back of church. This includes material that you can take to your seat if you'd like to be near the front of the church where the children can see better.
Once a month we run a separate session for children between 4 and 14 during the 10am service. Godly Play includes a story, a time to respond creatively and a simple snack. We start altogether in church before the children go to their group. You can download the registration sheet below or complete on arrival.
Godly Play meets on the following dates: 9th March, 11th May, 9th June, 13th July, 14th September,12th October, 16th November, 14th December 2025.
Stepping Stones is our toddler space on Thursday mornings in the church, suitable for babies and all pre-school children with parents or carers. We gather from 9.30am and have a short informal Toddler Service around 9.45 with some songs, prayer and a story, and there's generally some craft activities afterwards which connect to the theme. From 10am - 11am we have play space with ride-ons and other toys and games, and time for refreshments and chat. Come along to either or both parts. It's a free event, with donations welcomed. Stepping Stones meets in term-time only - for up to date details check the weekly newssheet here.
Messy Church is just what it says on the tin; a chance for primary school aged children and parents or carers to learn about God through art, crafts, activities, informal worship, and sharing food together. After school about once a month usually on a Monday from 3.15-4.30pm.
Youth Space is a drop in space for year 7's as they begin a new phase of their lives. Please note that the current year 7 youth space has now finished. Watch this space for September 25 start dates for the new year 7.